Volunteer in an indigenous National Park
There are numerous vestiges of pre-Columbian indigenous sites that have not been opened to the general public yet. Its fauna has a number of interesting species such as peccaries, ant eaters, ocelots, capuchin monkeys, scarlet macaws, some of them are endangered or their population is extremely reduced. In its flora, you can find species from the dry forest or rain forest, since it’s a transitional forest, plus one Central Pacific endemic species (not find in any other place of the world).
It belongs to the Central Pacific Conservation Area (ACOPAC) and has an extension of 5242 hectares.
Work to do:
– Trail maintenance
– Cleaning or building drains to the trails
– Repair or build bridges
– Refuges maintenance
– Painting
– Housekeeping and infrastructure maintenance
– Tourist customer service
– Potable water pipelines maintenance
– Support the construction of the trail for handicapped people
There is a Biological Station, which is basically a house with 2 big rooms with a 20 person capacity each, plus 4 smaller rooms with 2 persons capacity each; this house is shared with volunteers and biologists, and it also has restrooms, showers, electricity, potable water, refrigerator and kitchen.
Food is provided three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner): it consists of a typical Costa Rican meal that has rice, beans, pasta, one type of meat, vegetables and fruit. The food is served in the ranger’s house, 1.5 km from the biological station.
The day off will be defined once in the Park with the administrators, and the volunteer can either stay at the Park or go visit somewhere else.
For more information about this project, please contact us.
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